Community Sport
Inclusive sport
Within Denbighshire there are currently existing clubs and provisions offering a variety of sporting activities for disabled people, ranging from Swimming and Trampolining to Wheelchair Basketball and Triathlon
If you are a coach or volunteer there is also the UK Disability Inclusion Training Course (UK DIT) which is currently available in Wales, courses run several times over the year so please contact me for upcoming dates.
In order to help support clubs deliver good quality sessions Disability Sport Wales have introduced insport. insport is a four tiered (Ribbon, Bronze, Silver and Gold) identification and accreditation process which any sports club can go through to show they are committed to providing and delivering inclusive sport. If you are a mainstream club providing inclusive sport already or would like to then please contact me.
If you would like more information on what opportunities are available across Denbighshire then please contact Brett Jones, Community Health Manager through our contact us page.

Learn to Ride
The Active Communities team are pleased to offer Learn to Ride sessions to any schools or community settings in Denbighshire! We provide bikes, helmets and all necessary equipment for a fun, engaging session!
Aim: The session is designed to prepare FP/KS1 children to engage with new motor skills that will help them when learning to ride a bike from the start.
We will be using various fun teaching techniques alongside specifically designed cycles.
- Young trainees will be introduced the basics of helmet wearing.
- To give trainees an introduction on how the balance bikes work.
- The Trainees will throughout the session learn and practice new motor skills using the balance bikes
- Learn the use of brakes
- To introduce more speed as the session progresses.
- Advance onto pedal bikes when competent in above.
For any questions, or to book a session, please contact
Secondary School Sport and Leadership Programme
The aim of this new approach is to offer clear, co-ordinated opportunities to young people in all of our Secondary Schools. We will support schools to develop their pupils into volunteers through the Young Ambassador programme and the Sport Leaders U.K pathway. We will work with local clubs and NGB’s to ensure that there are further opportunities for young people within their local community.

Primary School Sport and Leadership Programme
The aim of this new approach is to offer clear, co-ordinated opportunities to young people in all of our Primary Schools. We will support schools to develop their pupils into volunteers through the Young Ambassador programme and the Playmakers Award. We will work with local clubs and NGB’s to ensure that there are further opportunities for young people within their local community.
Community Sports Clubs
Across Denbighshire there are more than 200 local clubs, many run by volunteers, offering a wide range of opportunities for adults and/or children to get involved in sport. If you would like information on a club in your area, are looking to take up a particular sport, or would just like to become more active, please get in touch with us via the Contact Us page. The Active Communities team work closely with many local clubs and will be able to provide further information and contact details.