Young Ambassadors
The Young Ambassador Programme
The Young Ambassador programme aims to see young people driving opportunity, engagement and change for other young people, using sport as a catalyst to do so.
It is designed to build the leadership skills of young people and as a result they are empowered to take on the following roles:
- Be the youth voice for PE and school sport in their school and community
- Promote the positive values of sport
- Be a role model and champion for PE and school sport
- Increase participation opportunities and healthy lifestyles for everyone.
Our Young Ambassador programme here at Denbighshire Leisure Limited helps to develop young leaders and encourage people to take part in sport. They are selected due to showing commitment or skills as young leaders or volunteers in sport.
Types of Young Ambassadors
There are different types of Young Ambassadors, each type has different responsibilities and skills needed to reach that level.
Platinum Young Ambassadors
Platinum Young Ambassadors must have spent at least a year as a Gold Young Ambassador. They act as a mentor, support the training of Gold and Silver Young Ambassadors across the local area.
Gold Young Ambassadors
Gold Young Ambassadors work across a local authority coordinating activity. These Young Ambassadors support the training of Silver and Bronze Young Ambassadors.
If you would like to become a Gold Young Ambassador, you will need to apply by completing an application form. Speak to your school 5X60 Officer about this.
Silver Young Ambassadors
Silver Young Ambassadors work in their own school and are trained locally by Platinum and Gold Young Ambassadors using resources supplied by the Youth Sport Trust.
If you are interested in becoming a Silver Young Ambassador, you should speak to your P.E. teacher or 5×60 Officer!
Bronze plus
Bronze plus Young Ambassadors are pupils in year 7 and 8 who were previously Bronze Young Ambassadors, aiming to become Silver Young Ambassadors. They help students with transition from primary to high schools and encourage participation in sports. Go find your 5×60 Officer and have a chat to them if you want to get involved!
Bronze Young Ambassadors
Bronze Young Ambassadors are primary-aged children operating in their own school and trained by Platinum and Gold Young Ambassadors.
If you are interested in becoming a Bronze Young Ambassador, you should speak to your P.E. teacher

Young Ambassador’s roles
A Young Ambassador helps to:
- Encourage healthy lifestyles.
- Promote the positive values of sportsmanship.
- Encourage participation in PE, school and community sport.
- Review and suggest improvements to PE and sports in their schools and communities.
- Highlight national events to increase knowledge of sports and athletes.
- Link students with teachers, 5×60 officers and community clubs/coaches.