National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) – Introducing Online Exercise / Activity Sessions
The NERS team for Denbighshire have created new ways to support your comeback to health. We are offering online services to help you access health and fitness advice to aid your goals. The comeback to your health journey is now even more accessible.
Online video exercises
Warm up
Cardio Fitness
NERS Balance and Tai Chi – Coming soon
Cool down
Strength and Resistance
Important information
The NERS Exercise Referral Professionals have been developing virtual exercise / activity sessions for all of you who are under the supervision of an Exercise Referral Professional and currently on the NERS programme, or for those who have been cleared by a Health Professional to undertake exercise.
If you are not quite sure or confident with which sessions are suitable for you to take part in, please contact your Exercise Referral Professional.
If you are not on the NERS programme and have any health concerns, pre-existing medical conditions or injuries please speak to your GP or Health Professional before undertaking the sessions.
Here is an Infographic showing you just how many people have been accessing and benefitting from virtual delivery in 1 month, across all the NERS teams in Wales:

By choosing to participate in the NERS exercise / activity session online, with a NERS Exercise Professional, the participant accepts that they undertake and engage in the session without supervision at their own risk.
Participants accept that the Exercise Professional is not liable for any injury or harm that is sustained as a direct result of the exercise / activity session.
Please consider the following before undertaking the activities in these videos.
- Remember to make sure the surroundings are safe for exercise and there is nothing you can fall or trip over
- Make sure you are dressed in comfortable clothing and have appropriate footwear; please do not attempt these sessions wearing your slippers.
- Have a drink to hand.
- Stop and rest when you need it.
- Do not try to do too much. Your immune system can become weaker if you over exercise.
- Build up gradually – particularly if you have been inactive for a while.
- If you are feeling unwell, wait until you feel better before taking part.
Live sessions:
There are video sessions on individual area Facebook Pages which your Exercise Referral Professional can signpost you to.
Please note that it is your responsibility to make the exercise professional aware of any changes in your condition or injuries prior to participating in the online NERS exercise / activity session.
National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS) – Introducing Online Exercise / Activity Sessions
The NERS Exercise Referral Professionals have been developing virtual exercise / activity sessions for all of you who are under the supervision of an Exercise Referral Professional and currently on the NERS programme, or for those who have been cleared by a Health Professional to undertake exercise.
If you are not quite sure or confident with which sessions are suitable for you to take part in, please contact your Exercise Referral Professional.
If you are not on the NERS programme and have any health concerns, pre-existing medical conditions or injuries please speak to your GP or Health Professional before undertaking the sessions.
By choosing to participate in the NERS exercise / activity session online, with a NERS Exercise Professional, the participant accepts that they undertake and engage in the session without supervision at their own risk.
Participants accept that the Exercise Professional is not liable for any injury or harm that is sustained as a direct result of the exercise / activity session.
Please consider the following before undertaking the activities in these videos.
- Remember to make sure the surroundings are safe for exercise and there is nothing you can fall or trip over.
- Make sure you are dressed in comfortable clothing and have appropriate footwear; please do not attempt these sessions wearing your slippers.
- Have a drink to hand.
- Stop and rest when you need it.
- Do not try to do too much. Your immune system can become weaker if you over exercise.
- Build up gradually – particularly if you have been inactive for a while.
- If you are feeling unwell, wait until you feel better before taking part.